My Healthy Happy Self
The National Association for Physical Activity (NAforPA) is revolutionizing the approach to fitness, health, weight loss, and personal happiness.
You know what doesn't work - heck, you've probably tried everything! But even with the best of intentions, results are difficult to come by. Research has shown us what works. It's having a support group of friends and family. It's not only the knowing what to do, but knowing HOW to do it, and WHY it's important.
WHY is your health important to YOU? Do you want to stick around a bit longer for your kids and grandkids? Do you want to have more energy to go fun places and do fun things? Do you need to lose weight to improve your health and reduce your risk for disease?
Do you have high blood pressure? Are you have or are you at risk for diabetes? Are you overweight? Sedentary? These are risk factors for so many diseases - from cancer to heart disease to depression and back pain. The only real fountain of youth is exercise and good nutrition. Add happiness and eliminate your stress, and your life will go from dreary to AMAZING!!
But alone, this is tough. That's why we're introducing a whole new way to connect with like--minded people. You can join MyHealthyHappySelf to receive inspirational newsletters every day Monday through Friday, and sometimes on the weekend. Every day you'll get inspiration and a challenge to help you on your quest for a healthier happier life.
If you are ready to take it to the next level, you can join a team and compete for points, badges, and prizes for achieving healthy lifestyle goals and objectives! Its a success tracking gaming system that keeps your focus strong and keeps your eyes on the prize! (the prize of course is a longer healthier, happier life!)
Here's the thing. You know what you need to do. Get started. Action generates results, and there is no day like today to get things going. Don't wait another minute. You owe it to yourself to live happy. Give yourself permission to be your best version of yourself.
Click this link to get started on your amazing new journey for only $1.